Bronchoscopy/biopsy did not go as planned but it ended up being a happy ending. The doctor came to see me after the bronc was complete, said Jane did not do well and had full respiratory failure. So he had no choice but to put her on the ventilator to keep her breathing. They had already whisked her away to ICU by this time. The doctor who did this is considered the best at Northwestern for doing broncs. He said he does not know what happened and can't explain why she crashed but she crashed instantly and very badly. He looked upset and bewildered. No one wanted Jane back on the ventilator because she may become stuck on it. But there she was back on it!
I was not happy and seeing us back to square one in her recovery. I called Jane's cousin Carol who had encouraging words and prayers. When I got back to the room I woke Jane up and I could tell she was really pissed off...this is a good sign I thought. Then she was like WTF! and wanting the ventilator tube pulled out her mouth immediately. They did not want to take her off but after seeing Jane's reactions and alertness for a few minutes they just pull the tube out. And Jane a little angry but fine :) breathing on her own. This is all of your prayers and God confusing the wise. I guess that makes us the fool who God used but I will take that.
We are now out of the ICU and back in our room resting after a long day! We will get the biopsy results tomorrow.
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