Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Clinic Visit Number 5

Update from Jane:

Good news today at northwestern doctors visit. No new blood clots! Lung team is thrilled with my progress. They will meet about discontinuing my blood thinner shots to tummy. Seems likely to stop shots! Also, northwestern is hosting a dinner November 3 for lung transplant patients, those waiting for transplant and their families. It's also for all the doctors and medical team to see where we are in our recovery. They asked me to be one of two speakers about my transplant experience. I represent the tougher recovery and they wanted my perspective. I will be a seed planter for Jesus! :-) how cool!

We are really indeed hopping they will stop the Lovenox injections (blood thinners) to the stomach as they are quiet painful...ouch!  Needle is big and the drug causes a strong burning sensation that lasts for a couple of minutes.

At home Jane continues to improve little by little still needs no oxygen, I believe sometime this week or next the pharmacy will come and remove all of our home oxygen equipment! Seems weird not to have the equipment any more, we have gotten so used to it. Physical therapy is still coming about twice a week at home.  They have decided that physical therapy be continued at home for the foreseeable future rather than Jane going into outpatient rehab (This will reduce her exposure to colds an flus this year)

Although, they said Jane's hospital recovery has been the hardest of all their lung transplants at Northwestern, her recovery since going  home has been better than some patients. This is one reason Jane will be speaking at the dinner next week November the 3rd.  I will take a video of her speech and post here on the blog. Jane and I looking very forward to it and meeting other lung transplant patients and more of the transplant staff.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Clinic Visit Number 4

This update is directly from Jane. She sent this text message to friends today telling of her 4th Clinic
 visit today.
This is selfie of us taking a walk this afternoon
Doctor visit went ok. Infectious disease doctor was thrilled at my progress. ...he was there from beginning to see how bad I was. His smile was incredible.  We arrived for my Doppler vascular exam 15 minutes late at 1:15 & they cancelled me!  I had a 2 hour appointment! They said they took the next patient & did not know if they would get to me if we waited.  We found this difficult to believe that next patient 2 hours later was already there. I  pleaded with sympathy!  I have to reschedule.  Wanted to know status on no blood clots.  They called tonight & adjusted my medications.  I am to stop taking daily water pill due to it affecting my kidneys per blood work today.  Will reassess in 2 weeks.  Hopefully my swollen ankles will not bloat up again. Two other  antibiotics were reduced to 1 per day. My antibody levels are body is not rejecting these miracle lungs! PTL! A more detailed antibody level result will take another week. What a blessing!
Lung doctor was thrilled with my progress. Labs took 8 vials of blood. Pharmacy reviewed my medications.  The interviewer for government agency certification process for NW  was there.  They interviewed me and Jude about my experience with the lung team. Have a blessed day!  Love Jane and Jude

Next update will be two weeks from today on our 5th clinic visit.
OK had to post this picture of Lamborghini I saw outside the Northwestern Hospital when we were leaving!