That is what we were told in our clinic visit today. We are graduating you to only having to come for clinic check ups and tests every other week now. A sign of how well Jane is doing these days. Great to hear because getting out to Northwestern Hospital from Oswego IL for clinic visit has each been and all day trek.

In the past week I have seen Jane get more strength, better breathing and better balance. She is able to walk without a walker now as long as she stays close to walls. And continues to not need any supplemental oxygen. It is really great to see all the progress and graduation she has made over her recovery and over lung disease. I remember her before her transplant, just taking a shower would wipe her out for the morning. I remember before her transplant she preferred texting over talking because talking was so much of an effort. I remember before her transplant constantly coughing whenever she exerted herself. I remember before her transplant always making sure we had enough oxygen tanks for places we went. These things and others I remember are gone now with the gift of new lungs!
Attached are picture of trees Jane planted last fall (we lost a lot of our trees to some Asian bore beetle). Since we have been at the hospital all summer long we have missed seeing them grow but nice to see they are doing well.
We have had great support this past week from friends. They have come to visit bringing meals and making meals. Their presence have allowed me to get out and do errands, groceries and even to the gym.
Looking forward to another 2 weeks of great progress. Our next clinic visit is on Wed, October 7th I will have another blog entry then. Thank you for all you support and prayers.
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