The bronchoscopy procedure went without any issues. While we were in the recovery area we heard someone talking in the room across from us and how they have and a lung transplant. This not something you hear everyday so Jane walked over and introduced herself. We found out that our recovery room neighbor was Tony. Tony is 76 years old and had a single lung transplant done at the Cleveland clinic 4 years and is doing great! He was in the hospital for gall stones unrelated to his lung transplant. It was very encouraging to see a lung transplant recipient doing so well after 4 years!
After the bronchoscopy she was feeling pretty tired all week. And the results from the bronc show that her low level rejection is still going on. This means we need to do another round of steroids this time a stronger dose. She got her first of 3 doses starting on March 1st. I could tell this was a stronger dose, it made her very angry during the day (roid rage...hehe). But was back to normal in few days. She will have another bronc in couple of weeks to make sure the low level rejection is gone. If not there will be more meds for her to take.
Since the last steroid treatment Jane has been doing great physically has a good appetite and good energy. I am seeing get around the house kind of like she used to before. I am hoping this improvement is a sign to the low level rejection being gone...we will see.
Her cough is finally all gone. We believe it was all due to allergies, as she has now been on allegra and Flonase for a while.
The acid reflux test was kind of a pain, she had to wear a small tube down her nose into her stomach and have it on for 24 hours. She said it was quite annoying. Below is a selfie I took with her wearing the tube.

Acid reflux test is important because acid reflux can damage lungs. It is the case for everyone not just lung transplant recipients….yep they are always on top of everything.
I will make another post after the next bronc. Thanks for everyones continued friendship, support and prayers!
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